Frederick Hollyer; Young gentleman with top hat; paper; platinum printing; image size: height: 45.30 cm; width: 22.80 cm; inscribed and dated: recto on the passepartout: upper right in lead: 1897; lower right. in lead: KPh 225; artistic photography; portrait photography; portrait; man; standing figure; door; cylinder; fashion; clothing; pictorialism; tested in the mezzotint process; Frederick Hollyer found his way to photography around 1860 and began making carbon and albumin prints. In 1865 he became a member of the Photographic Society of England and specialized in the noble printing process of platinum printing. At the same time Hollyer was in exchange with the Brotherhood of the Linked Ring; the pictorialist association of London; which was formed as a counter position to the established Photographic Society. In his first studio; Hollyer produced Cartes de Visite; but after moving to Pembroke Square in Kensington; he increasingly reproduced the works of pre-Raphaelite painters photographically. He also made numerous portraits of his contemporaries; such as John Ruskin; leader of the Arts & Crafts movement. The photograph depicted here shows a young man at the turn of the century; who is immediately recognizable as a dandy by his distinguished clothing with white shirt collar; coat and top hat. However; this not only reflects Hollyer's status as a wealthy customer; but also the habitus of the elite group of pictorialists in Europe and North America; who were also primarily elegant men of the upper class. (Cathrin Hauswald)

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