Tuscany; abbey Badia a Passignano (Abbazia di San Michele Arcangelo a Passignano): main altar in the Abbey church; Legend wants; that the abbey dedicated to Archangel Saint Michael; was founded by San Zenobio; bishop of Florence; in 395 AD. Most probably; it was founded in Longobard times or even later; 899 AD or 989 AD; by a bishop Zenobio of Fiesole. The abbey was given by Pope Leo IX to the Vallombrosa Congregation (Congregazione vallombrosana); a comunity of the Benedictine order; founded by San Giovanni Gualberto (995 AD - 1073 AD). First monk Leto arrived 1050. The abbey church was built 1266 onwards. The original statue of Archangel St Michael killing the dragon was built 1177 and is inside the church. The lunette above the entrance shows the fresco "Madonna with Child and two angels" (19th century) of Filadelfo Simi. The abbey of Archangel Saint Michael is also called Badia di Passignano; and Abbey of San Michele Arcangelo a Passignano.

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