Tuscany; abbey Badia a Passignano (Abbazia di San Michele Arcangelo a Passignano): detail of door with stained glass decoration (stained glass of German origin) in corridor to the monumental entrance portal (14th and 15th century) to the abbey courtyard (built 1470 - 1483); The stone portal (14th century) was realized by Andrea di Neri and Mariotto da Settignano. The wooden door (15th century) has carvings outside and inlays inside. The courtyard was built 1470 - 1483 according to the design of Jacopo Rosselli (1439 - 1515); the roof of first floor was added 1755. Directly after 1483; the courtyard was decorated with frescoes of the life of Saint Benedict (Vita di San Benedetto) by Filippo di Antonio Filippelli (1460 - 1506); born in Badia a Passignano. The frescoes were ruined in 1734 and rediscovered and restored in starting 20th century. Legend wants; that the abbey dedicated to Archangel Saint Michael; was founded by San Zenobio; bishop of Florence; in 395 AD. Most probably; it was founded in Longobard times or even later; 899 AD or 989 AD; by a bishop Zenobio of Fiesole. The abbey was given by Pope Leo IX to the Vallombrosa Congregation (Congregazione vallombrosana); a comunity of the Benedictine order; founded by San Giovanni Gualberto (995 AD - 1073 AD). First monk Leto arrived 1050. The abbey church was built 1266 onwards. The abbey of Archangel Saint Michael is also called Badia di Passignano; and Abbey of San Michele Arcangelo a Passignano.

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