Epoch of OdysseusIn a period of time when history is being made; the life of one person; named Odysseus; will mark the events of particular characteristics for years to come. Travels of need that are about to befall Odysseus and his warriors after the fall of Troy; a series of acts that the Gods arranged. The Nemesis (goddess of revenge) will follow him during his ten years of wandering. (鈥? "the wind took me first to Ismarus; which is the city of the Cicons. There I sacked the town 鈥hat we had better make off at once; but my men very foolishly would not obey me; so they stayed there drinking much wine and killing great numbers of sheep and oxen on the sea shore. Meanwhile the Cicons cried out for help these were more in number and stronger and they were more skilled in the art of war. They came as thick as leaves and bloom in summer and the hand of heaven was against us so that we were hard pressed. They set the battle in array near the ships and the hosts aimed their bronze-shod spears at each warrior. As the sun went down; towards the time when men loose their oxen; the Cicons got the better of us and we lost half a dozen men from every ship we had; so we got away with those that were left."Fleeing the Cicons (Book IX)Drawing and watercolour; 2020

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