Poland; Krak體; Wawel Cathedral (Polish: Katedra Wawelska): golden dome roof of Sigismund's Chapel (also: Zygmunt Chapel; Polish: Kaplica Zygmuntowska) at Southern wall of the Cathedral; Gothic style Royal Archcathedral Basilica of Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslaus on the Wawel Hill (Polish: Kr髄ewska Bazylika Archikatedralna ss. Stanislawa i Waclawa na Wawelu); better known as Wawel Cathedral; was built three times: in 11th century; in 12th century and after destruction in 1305 in 14th century. Priest Karol Woytila; later on since 1978 Pope John Paul II; held his first Mass in the crypt of the cathedral; on 2nd of November; 1946. In 1958; he became auxiliary bishop; here. From 1964 to 1978 he was Archbishop; here. Renaissance style Sigismund`s Chapel was financed by Sigismund I the Old and built between 1517 and 1533 by Bartolommeo Berrecci; a Florentine Renaissance architect. it houses the tombs of its founder and those of his children; King Sigismund II Augustus and Anna Jagiellon (Jagiellonka).

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