(Partial view) Constantine; The Vision of the Cross (Constantin; La Vision de la Croix; Die Erscheinung des Kreuzes) In the painting; emperor Constantine I is seen just before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge.- Fresco in the room of Constantine (Salle de Constantin) in the Stanze di Raffaello (Raphael Rooms; Chambres de Raphael; Stanzen des Raffael) in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican.- The room takes its name from Constantine (306-337 A.D.); the first Christian emperor.Painting by school of Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio 1483-1520) on the basis of drawings by the artist; who died prematurely before completion of the work. - The Vision of the Cross describes the premonition that the emperor Constantine had before the battle against Maxentius. According to this premonition; he would have been victorious if he had substituted the imperial eagles on the soldiers' standards with the cross; thus officially recognizing the Christian religion. The view of Rome (on the right in the background) with the reconstruction of its ancient monuments is worth noting.Vatican Museums . 2021.

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