Mesosporitissa in EleusisIn the ancient site of Elevsina; atop of the Acropolis over-looking the Thriasian Plain; it was here where Triptolemous first threshed wheat. The women and farmers of Eleusis once honored Demeter; the Greek goddess of agriculture. This ancient celebration has passed down to the Greek Orthodox rite; so that is now to find common ground at the Church of Panagia Mesosporitissa.Today; on the 20th of November; near to this small church called Panagia Mesosporitissa. As the name states - Panagia of the spores - there is a reference to the harvest. So today and for one time in the whole year people will gather to celebrate with evening-mass and part-take in a tradition that is called Artoklasia. This is the breaking loafs of bread in the evening. As the bread is blessed with olive oil and wine; vespers are chanted for the loved ones; health is asked forth living and salvation for loved ones that are departed. This comes the day before the the Presentation of the Virgin Mary which is on November 21th.As of August 2020; the festival of Mesosporitissa was included in the Greek National Inventory of Cultural Heritages of U.N.E.S.C.O. This is a way to recognize; save and transmit to the future generations a tradition that preserves the unique experience of rural life in the Thriasian Plain.IN THE PHOTO: The evening service starts; worshippers come to the chapel; candles are lightened.

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