Cyprus; In July 1974 the Turkish army occupied 40;000 soldiers in the northern part of Cyprus. This was preceded by years of political turmoil between Greek and Turkish Cypriots; most of whom lived together.The 1974 invasion made them refugees in their own country. The Turkish Cypriots moved north from the southern part of the island and; conversely; the Greek Cypriots fled from the north to the south.On November 15; 1983; the Turkish Cypriot leader Denktas proclaimed the independent state "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus"; which was recognized by no other state apart from the Turkish government..Nicosia (Lefkosa); downtown: Locked house on the greenline that separates the Turkish part of the city from the Greek. Sprayed on the wooden door is "Enosis"; a political movement that is pursuing the connection of areas mostly inhabited by Greeks to Greece. The coup by the Greek dictators with the help of Cypriot supporters of the union with Greece against President Makarios is the cause of the Cyprus conflict.Nicosia; 1984/1985.

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