ABBEY OF MIRASOLS Radiant sun with a human face delimited by the crescent moon; symbols both linked to agricultural works (vertical cut). Coat of arms carved on a stone capital in the cloister of the farmhouse-abbey established by the order of the Humiliates; who here dedicated themselves to the cultivation of the fields and the manufacture of woolen cloth in the first half of the thirteenth century; the only local custodians of the technique and machines to transform wool into felt. The order of the Humiliated was suppressed in 1582; the property passed to the Swiss College and the office to the Olivetans until Napoleon; in 1797; assigned it to the "Policlinico Ca 'Granda Foundation" in Milan. Starting from 2016; the Progetto Arca Foundation and the Mirasole Impresa Sociale Project; winners of the tender launched by the Fondazione Sviluppo Ca 'Granda with a community social welfare project; animate this place with initiatives of civil and cultural value aimed at enhancing the rural heritage. Photography by Elena Piccini; Mirasole; municipality of Opera (Milan); 2019

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