Nazi propaganda / NSDAP Party / 20th CenturyWochenspruch der NSDAP ("Weekly Quotation of the Nazi Party") : "Our soldiers are defending everything that we possess; including that which we call the German spirit: German art and German science; the freedom of research and the dignity of the nation - Dr. Goebbels".(Wall newspaper published by the Nazi Party between 1937 and 1944; displaying quotations; mostly from Nazi leaders. About 1;100 issues were published. Some were issued by the Reichspropagandaleitung and others by local party organizations in each Gau. Along with Nazi leaders; the posters also quoted famous Germans from history; including Ludwig van Beethoven; Carl von Clausewitz; Otto von Bismarck; Friedrich Schiller and Richard Wagner. The posters were displayed in many public locations including town halls; restaurants; doctor's offices; offices; schools or companies. Some historians estimate that 32.5 million copies were printed in total. The purpose of the publication was to educate Germans about Nazi ideals and values).Wall newspaper; 1941.Private collection.

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