The chapel Sancta Sanctorum (The Holy of Holies; le Saint des Saints) is the Rome's most venerated site. Written in latin 'Non est in toto sanctior orbe locus' (There is no holier place in the world than this).It houses precious relics and an icon of Jesus Christ the Saviour (on the wall behind the altar) that was supposedly begun by Saint Luke and finished by an angel. It belongs to a class of icons known as acheiropoieta (image acheiropoiete; Acheiropoieton) or images not made by human hands.- The chapel is at the top of the Scala Santa (Holy Stairs) . In the Middle Ages this chapel served as the private oratory of the Popes in the Lateran palace. Originally; the chapel was dedicated to the Roman martyr St. Lawrence (San Lorenzo; Saint Laurent). It was probably built before the eighth century. It is located in an edifice proximate to the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran (Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano; basilique Saint-Jean de Latran; Lateranbasilika ). Rome; Italy (2020)

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