Standing in front of the basilica of Saint John Lateran (San Giovanni in Laterano; basilique Saint-Jean-de-Latran; Lateranbasilika ) is the so-called Triclinium Leoninum (Triclinum of Pope Leo III; pape Leon III ) which was erected by Ferdinando Fuga in 1743 for Pope Benedict XIV (r. 1740-58). The Triclinium Leoninum is a homage to the famous 9th century banqueting hall that Pope Leo III (r. 795-816) built for the ancient Lateran Palace; which once stood on the site of the 16th century palace of the same name. The mosaics; which are a faithful copy of the originals; depict (in the centre) Christ sending the Apostles to preach the gospel. On the left of the apse Christ gives the keys to St. Peter and a standard to Emperor Constantine the Great; while on the right St. Peter gives the pallium to Pope Leo III and a standard to ?Charlemagne; the Holy Roman Emperor. Rome; Italy (2020)

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