-The twisted columns of the Baldachin by Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) (Le baldaquin r閍lis?par Le Bernin dans la basilique Saint-Pierre)Bernini's first work at St. Peter's was to design the baldacchino; a pavilion-like structure 28.74 metres tall and claimed to be the largest piece of bronze in the world; which stands beneath the dome and above the altar.- Behind: Monument Cathedra Petri (or 'throne of St. Peter') (trone ou chaire de Saint Pierre) in the apse of Saint Peter's basilica - Vatican.by Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1657-1666)Bernini created a large bronze throne in which a chair which was often claimed to have been used by the apostle St Peter; was housed; raised high on four looping supports held effortlessly by massive bronze statues of four Doctors of the Church; Saints Ambrose and Augustine representing the Latin Church and Athanasius and John Chrysostom; the Greek Church. Behind and above the Cathedra; a blaze of light comes in through a window of yellow alabaster; illuminating; at its center; the Dove of the Holy Spirit.(Saint Peter's basilica; basilique Saint-Pierre; Petersdom)Vatican 2019

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