Tomb of Queen Christina of Sweden (reine Christine de Suede; Christina von Schweden ) in the Vatican Grottoes; under Saint Peter's basilica.She died in Rome on April 19; 1689.White marble sarcophagus with decorative corners; made in the first quarter of the 20th century.On the front of the tomb is a bronze plaque with gilded profiles with an inscription inside a frame; surmounted by a scepter and a crown. The inscription testifies to the presence of the remains of Queen Christina Alexandra of Sweden. Daughter of King Gustav Adolph; Christina succeeded him to the throne in 1632. She abdicated in favor of her cousin. On November 3; 1655; in Innsbruck; she solemnly abjured Lutheranism and converted to Catholicism. She was received by the pope and spent most of the rest of her life in Rome; where she died.In the basilica; at the beginning of the right nave; Carlo Fontana built an honorary monument of the Queen of Sweden. ( Saint Peter's basilica; basilique Saint-Pierre; Petersdom. )Vatican 2019

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