Charles Mellin; Saints Anthony and Paul in the Desert; 1635; pen and brown ink and brown wash on paper; 5 1/2 in. x 7 1/16 in. (14 cm. x 18 cm.); This study depicts the meeting between Paul of Thebes; then 113 years old; and Anthony the Great; at age ninety-three. A raven doubled the portion of its daily bread delivery to feed both hermits. The drawing is typical of Mellin's lively and nervous way of drawing; which is characterized by swift line work in ink and almost abstract washes broadly applied with a loaded brush. It is a compositional study marked by contrasts between three tones: that of the paper; which serves to suggest highlights; areas applied with light brown wash; for the mid-tone; and; finally; passages of dark brown ink. This sheet was likely drawn in connection with an unrealized or lost painting; since Mellin frequently made several overall compositional studies to refine the depiction of a particular subject before venturing to paint it.

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