- Marble relief from the Ciborium of Pope Sixtus IV (1471-1484)(Ciboire du pape Pie IV). This decorative structure covered the Basilica's main altar in the 15th century. A part of the relief represents the Crucifixion of Saint Peter.Located in the upper parts of Saint Peter's basilica (40 meters high) in the Archivio Storico della Fabbrica di San Pietro (Historical Archive of the Fabric of Saint Peter; Archive Historique de la Fabrique de Saint-Pierre; historische Aufzeichnungen Dombauh黷te von St. Peter) where are kept all documents (drawings; plans; bills; contracts ...) relating to the construction of the basilica since the 16th century and located in the upper parts of Saint Peter's basilica (40 meters high)..- Since 1523 the Fabric of Saint Peter is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church responsible for the conservation and maintenance of St. Peter's Basilica (basilique Saint-Pierre; Petersdom) and exercising vigilance over its sacred character and the organization of visitors. Saint Peter's basilica. Vatican. 2020.

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