Okinawa's Ruined Capital *****: Pulverized by incessant bombardment from land, sea and air, the Okinawa capital city of Naha presents this desolate air view today as Tenth Army troops sweep toward the southern tip of the island. Straddled by the city is the Naha estuary which will be used as an important naval center from which to launch further strikes against the Japanese homeland. It is now clogged with sunken hulks and charred debris, testimony of the effectiveness of American weapons. The island in the center connected by cuaseways is Onayama. The only structures left standing in Naha, once the home of 66,000 Okinawans, are stone and concrete buildings such as those shown in the center and left of the picture, and the ancient wombshaped stone tombs closely packed in a jumble to the lower right. Some of these tombs were organized as strong points of Jap resistance. The design of the tombs illustrates the age-old Okinawa belief that life is but a brief so?journ from the womb and at

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