Dish with the arms of the De Neufville and De Wolff families; Porcelain dish; painted on the glaze in blue; red; green; yellow; black and gold. On the flat the alliance coat of arms of the De Neufville and De Wolff family. The coat of arms on the left is from the De Neufville family and consists of four towers and a golden St. Andrew's cross with an anchor in the middle. The weapon on the right is from the De Wolff family and consists of wolves and common swifts. The helmet sign is a bird. The weapons are surrounded by a cover of blue and gold leaf vines and at the bottom two tassels. A spearhead border around the weapon. On the wall a band with honeycomb pattern interspersed with four times a stylized lotus and a lobed catouche with ruyi motif. On the edge two lotus tendrils; the helmet sign; a pavilion and lucky symbols (pearl; finger lemon); a decorative band around it. The back with four flower sprays. A crack in the edge. Weapon porcelain with enamel colors.; anonymous; China; c. 1720 - c. 1730; Qing-dynasty (1644-1912) / Kangxi-period (1662-1722) / Yongzheng-period (1723-1735); porcelain (material); glaze; gold (metal); vitrification; h 4.2 cm d 31.7 cm d 17.5 cm

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