Dish with the arms of the Woodford and Lear families; Porcelain dish with round wall; painted on the glaze in blue; red; green; brown; black and gold. On the shelf the arms of the Woodford and Lear families. The weapon is divided into two compartments with Woodford on the left with a lion's head (upside down) in a French lily against a black background; right Lear with three unicorns and a tilt band against a blue background. The helmet mark is a stylized flower flanked by two claws. The cover in brown with leaf vines with garlands on the underside. A spearhead border around the weapon. On the wall eight valuables and lucky symbols (musical stone; shell; scrolls; parasol; fan; book; horns); the inner edge with a curled band. On the outer edge a decorative band and on the wall four flower branches. Old label on the bottom with 'Woodford'. Weapon porcelain with enamel colors.; anonymous; China; c. 1740 - c. 1760; Qing-dynasty (1644-1912) / Qianlong-period (1736-1795); porcelain (material); glaze; gold (metal); vitrification; h 5.5 cm d 35 cm d 21.2 cm

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