The Judgment of Cambyses The Judgment of Cambyses; Round stained glass with representation of the Judiciary of Cambyses.On the diamond are three episodes from the story. On the left we see the corrupt Judge Sisamnes with a bowed head for King Cambyses; standing to the right next to the pillar in the middle and recognizable by his scepter; pointed hat and ermine shoulder cloak. In the foreground; two executioners execute the horrible sentence. In the middle is a bucket for collecting the blood. In the background; on the left; Sisamnes' son and successor Otanes sits thoughtfully on the judge's seat; placed on an elevation; in a niche under three arches. His position; with one leg in front of the other; shows that he is already in office. On the arches hangs; as a frightening example and warning; the poached skin of his father; to which King Cambyses admonishes. Through the arched window on the right; the people look on with interest and horror. The ax at the foot of the column to the right symbolizes justice.; Dirck Vellert; Antwerp; 1542; glass; silver stain; d 29.4 cm

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