Museum Quality Rococo Casket.
Workshop of Abraham Roentgen. Neuwied. Circa 1750-55.

Polished kingwood. Engraved brass fittings. Interior lined with original Herrenhute paste paper. Straight body with separate base on curved bracket feet. Hinged lid with movable curved handle. Rocaille; finely engraved cartouche with keyhole spring doors to lock lid. Lateral secret drawer in the frame; opened with a spring mechanism. 19x22x13; 5cm. Condition B.

- Art dealer Otto von Mitzlaff; W鋍htersbach
- Private collection; Saarland.

- Hans Huth. Abraham und David Roentgen und ihre Neuwieder M鯾elwerkstatt. M黱chen 1974. For this type; cf. fig.192.
- Josef Maria Greber. Abraham und David Roentgen; M鯾el f黵 Europa. Starnberg 1980. For this type; cf. pg.61; fig.106.
- Dietrich Fabian. Abraham und David Roentgen. Bad Neustadt/Saale 1996. For this type; cf. pg.247; fig.562; 564 and 565; also pg.248; fig.568; 569 and 570.
- Bernd Willscheid und Wolfgang Thillmann. M鯾eldesign - Roentgen; Thonet und die Moderne. Berlin 2011. For this type; cf. pg.94; fig.5. For the engravings; see the article by Wolfram Koeppe: Virtuosit鋞 bis ins kleinste Detail; Gravuren von Abraham Roentgen; pg. 91ff.

The casket set in various designs and for various purposes was one of the most popular miniature works of Roentgen's workshop. Many of these models are presented in public collections. The Metropolitan Museum in New York has a very similar casket; also made of kingwood with an engraved wood veneer keyhole cartouche. The particular focus on the outer appearance and very straight casket emphasizes the finely executed engraving of the brass fitting. For further information on the mastery of this craft see the contribution by Wolfram Koeppe; in the above literature: "... When he (in the Netherlands) was unable to learn anything more; he traveled to London ... (there); he soon found work and good employment. He lay down engravings; wooden mosaics and became so successful in his techniques; that he was soon sought after by the most skillful cabinet makers who rewarded him handsomely. ... There seems to be no coincidence that the portrayal of his son (Ludwig 1755-1814) in an engraving of the highest quality; because although this was mainly completed in the shadow of complicated mechanical devices; the engraving was apparently always Abraham's favourite work."
Art trade; Van Ham.

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