1690 Biella - 1771 Milan

Bozetto for a Portrayal of Gods with Zeus; Cronus and Athena. Oil on canvas. Relined. 49 x 39;5cm. Framed.

In his youth Giovanni Antonio Cucchi moved to Milan; where he became one of the most
appreciated artists. His catalog is extensive; and includes numerous altarpieces and
frescoes of religious subjects. But his best skills are certainly expressed in the
decoration of the residences of Lombardy aristocracy.
On the walls and ceilings of palaces; Cucchi deploys a repertoire of inventions that - if
sometimes lacks of originality - are always supported by great sharpness of drawing and
freshness of color that make Cucchi a leading figure of the late Lombard Baroque (see V.
Caprara in La pittura in Italia. Il Settecento; Milano 1989; pp. 688-689).
The sketch here presented depicts the little Hercules in the arms of Juno (two putti on
the left are playing with a peacock; traditional attribute of the goddess); beside sits
Minerva armed; while Jupiter watches the scene from above.
The oval shape and the simple composition suggest that the project was intended for a
medallion; perhaps a first idea for one in palace Dugnani Casati in Milan. The frescoes of
Palazzo Casati are dated around 1731; when Giovanni Battista Tiepolo worked in the main
salon (see Tiepolo e le Storie di Scipione; ed. by M.T. Fiorio; V. Terraroli; Milano

R. Bossaglia; La pittura del Settecento a Milano: protagonisti e comprimari; in "Studi di
Storia delle Arti"; 1977; p. 144
V. Caprara; Cucchi; Giovanni Antonio; in Dizionario biografico degli italiani; XXXV; Roma
1985; pp. 297.

We would like to thank Dr. Danieli; Bologna; for the kind support.Art trade; Van Ham.

px px dpi = cm x cm = MB





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