Register of the oaths of fealty to pope Innocent VI.(Serment de fid閘it?au pape Innocent VI)In 1353 Pope Innocent VI ordered Cardinal Gil 羖varez Carillo de Albornoz to Italy as his Legate and General Vicar. Albornoz; known as the assertive fighter; had to combat the unrest instigated by Cola di Rienzo and restore order again.The book at hand contains 112 documents from the years 1356 to 1359 filled with wonderful incunabula; miniatures and embellishments. All of them; under notarial certification; have invoked loyalty for the previously mentioned Pope Innocent VI. This applies as a rule to the confirmation of the submission of power of the local administration under papal authority.- The Vatican Secret Archives (Archives secretes du Vatican- Archivio Segreto Vaticano) is the central repository in the Vatican City for all of the acts promulgated by the Holy See. The archives also contain the state papers; correspondence; papal account books and many other documents which the church has accumulated over the centuries. More than 1000 years of history on 85 km of shelving. The papal archives has served the Holy See for 400 years and is one of the most important and renowned research centres in the world. Ii is a treasure trove of peerless precious documents: millions of papers and parchments that can be accessed by scholars of all nationalities and all faiths.- Vatican Secret Archives (1999)

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