Tibet. About 11th-14th c.

Ivory; finely carved with lively patina and fine age cracks. Sitting in padm鈙ana on a lotus throne; his right hand in abhaya mudr? surrounded by a mandorla. To his left stands Manjushri; to his right Avalokiteshvara; above are eight more Bodhisattva depicted. Above the head of the Buddha the face of Garuda; devouring a snake. The Garuda is also the animal used for riding of Amoghasiddhi. Under the throne the five T鈘?who are companions of the five Dhyani Buddha; with his consort the Green T鈘?in the center. He is one of the five Dhyani Buddha and its presence alone lends fearlessness; he
transforms jealousy into wisdom. He is considered the ruler of karma and his direction
is the north. Weight 327g; height 12.2cm; width 9.5 cm; depth 4.8 cm. Condition A/B.
Please note that objects made of ivory; rhinoceros horn and turtle shell; due to Cites regulations can only sold within the European Community. At present the export in third countries is prohibited.

Please note that objects made of ivory; rhinoceros horn and turtle shell; due to Cites regulations can only be sold within the European Community. At present the export in third countries is prohibited.
Art trade; Van Ham.

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