Dujardin; Karel
(1622 Amsterdam - 1678 Venice)

Landscape with Livestock and Ploughing Farmers. Oil on canvas. 29 x 35cm. Signed lower right: K. Dujardin .... Framed.

- Czarina Catherine II. imperial palace in Zarskoje Selo; ca. 1780;
- Eremitage St. Petersburg (there described by Smith in 1834);
- Galerie van Diemen Berlin; 30.05.1932;
- Collection of an industrialist; after 1932.

- Bernt; Walter: Niederl鋘dische Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts; Munich 1960; Vol. 1; no. 251
(with ill);
- Kilian; Jennifer M.: The paintings of Karel Dujardin 1626 - 1678; Catalogue Raisonn?
no. 32; ill. 28;
- Hoofstede de Groot; Verzeichnis der hervorragendsten Holl. Maler; IX. Vol.; p. 317; no.
- Smith; John: A Catalogue raisonn?of the works of the most eminent Dutch; Flemish and
French painters; London 1908; p.639 no. 4;
- von Waagen; Gustav Friedrich: Die Gem鋖desammlung der kaiserlichen Eremitage zu St.
Petersburg; Munich 1864; p. 233.

Our small shepherd's image is outstanding proof of the appreciation Karel Dujardin's painitngs have always been met with. As early as 1780; it was acquired by Catherine the Great. It entered the imperial collection at the palace of Zarskoje Selo; where art historian John Smith saw it in 1834 and included it in his catalogue raisonn? Later; it was at the Hermitage in St Petersburg and was described in Gustav Friedrich Waagen's catalogue of the Hermitage in 1864. In 1932; "Landschaft mit Vieh auf einer sonnenbeschienenen Weide" ("Landscape with Cattle on a Sunlit Meadow") was acquired by Galerie van Diemen; Berlin. Cornelis Hoofstede de Groot included our painting in his "Catalogue of the Works of the Most Excellent Dutch Painters" (1926); and Walther Bernt in the first volume of "Dutch Painters of the 17th Century" (1960) as one of two examples of the works by Dujardin. Owing to these first-rate provenances and literature citings; the work also holds a distinguished position in our collection.
Art trade; Van Ham.

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