- Bedroom 'Trinacria'(ancient Greek name for Sicily) by Mauricio Staccioli. The door was inspired by Sicily's triangle form; the room's basic colours are black and red; that is; the sun and the volcanoes; dominating the isle landscape and affecting the inhabitants' history and mentalities. An imposing red triangle stands on one of the three vertices of the white triangular bed. The walls are made out of a knead containing the Etna's lava.- The Atelier sul Mare is a museum-hotel of contemporary art unprecedented in the world just few meters from a wonderful sea; situated at Castel di Tusa;near Cefal? 100 km east from Palermo. The realization of 20 of the total 40 rooms of Atelier sul Mare has been given to international artists; with the result of unique art works. To enter and stay in these emotional spaces; mean living a new spiritual dimension; enjoying that happiness of existing that only the creativity of the art can donate. Antonio Presti; already creator of Fiumara d' Arte (the biggest open air park of sculptures in Europe); is the author of this unique reality where landscape; culture and art are merged in order to show and let living to the visitors of this beautiful land an unforgettable emotion: the art must be lived like a dream. Castel di Tusa. Sicily. Italy. 2007

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