Estonia; Ida-Viru County; city of Sillam鋏: lodges in the event hall of the Culture House; built 1949 in style of socialist classicism; After World War II; Sillam鋏 became a hot spot for Soviet military activites and a "forbidden city"; not even mentioned on maps. As in Sillam鋏; there could be found oil shale; from which Uranium oxyde could be extracted; the village; which gained city rights in 1957; became very important for the realization of the Soviet atomic bomb. The whole village was re-designed in the Stalinist architecture style; also called socialist classicism; or Stalinist Empire Style; in late 1940s and 1950s. Best examples of this new town architecture are the town hall with tower in form of a Lutheran church tower; the culture house; built 1949; and the buildings along the Mere Boulevard (Sea Boulevard). As well; the Sillam鋏 Museum of Soviet time in the atomic shelter under the Culture House re-evokes this Soviet time. Sillam鋏 (German: Sillam鋑i; also Sillam鋑gi); literally meaning "hill at the bridge"; was first mentioned; in 1502; as "tor bruggen" (at the bridge). Nearby was the German Baltic manor T黵sel (Estonian: T黵sam鋏). In 19th century; Sillam鋏 became a popular summer resort with prominent guests (Pjotr Tchaikovsky; Paul Ehrenfest). Ivan Pavlov (1849 - 1936); in 1891; built a summer datcha; here. Starting in 1927; oil shale was mined; in Sillam鋏. During German occupation (1941 - 1944); there was also an outpost of the Vaivara concentration camp; here on the spot. After 1947; Soviet GULAG prisoners worked here. In 1948; the uranium enrichment started which closed the town; hermetically. // Estland; Kreis Ida-Viru; Stadt Sillam鋏: Logen im Veranstaltungssaal des Kulturhauses; 1949 im Stil des sozialistischen Klassizismus erbaut; Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde Sillam鋏 zu einem Brennpunkt der sowjetischen Milit鋜aktivit鋞en und zur "verbotenen Stadt"; die nicht einmal auf Karten verzeichnet war. Da in Sillam鋏 謑schiefer

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