Caranx bixanthopterus; Print; The bluefin trevally; Caranx melampygus (also known as the bluefin jack; bluefin kingfish; bluefinned crevalle; blue ulua; omilu and spotted trevally); is a species of large; widely distributed marine fish classified in the jack family; Carangidae. The bluefin trevally is distributed throughout the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans; ranging from Eastern Africa in the west to Central America in the east; including Japan in the north and Australia in the south. The species grows to a maximum known length of 117 cm and a weight of 43.5 kg; however is rare above 80 cm. Bluefin trevally are easily recognised by their electric blue fins; tapered snout and numerous blue and black spots on their sides. Juveniles lack these obvious colours; and must be identified by more detailed anatomical features such as fin ray and scute counts. The bluefin trevally inhabits both inshore environments such as bays; lagoons and shallow reefs; as well as deeper offshore reefs; atolls and bomboras. Juveniles prefer shallower; protected waters; even entering estuaries for short periods in some locations.; 1700-1880

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