World War II AircraftThe Bf 110 two-seat heavy fighter was intended to be a 'destroyer' that would clear the way to the target for German bombers and escort them there; but instead found itself needing escort against lighter; nimbler RAF Hurricanes and Spitfires. The aircraft illustrated; M8+AC of Stab.II ZG76 crewed by Oberlt Hermann Weeber and Uffz Max Michael; discovered this to its cost; was shot full of holes by Hurricanes of No.1 Squadron RCAF and came down at Wadhurst; Sussex on 4 September 1940. It was subsequently reported in a local newspaper that "one of the members of a partridge shoot who was having beer and sandwiches in a field at Chessons Farm took a couple of pot-shots at the Me 110 as it wobbled overhead; remarking 'Rather a high bird; I'm afraid'. In the Whiligh Estate Game Book that evening was entered: 10 brace of partridges; two hares and a Messerschmitt 110." The Bf 110 C-4 was well armed; with two MG-FF 20mm cannon and four 7.92mm machine guns in the nose plus a flexible-mount rear-facing 7.92mm for the radio-operator; was as fast as a Hurricane and had acquitted itself well during the Polish and French campaigns; and future variants would be effective night-fighters - but against RAF Fighter Command over Britain in 1940; the Bf 110 C more than met its match as a fighter and was soon adapted to become an effective fighter-bomber instead.Illustration (Tim Brown); 2019.

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