Italy; Apulia; city of Bari: icon with portrait of Saint Niclas above the sarcophage of the Saint; in Romanesque crypt (built 1087 - 1089) of Basilica di San Nicola (built 1087 - 1197); 62 sailors from Bari brought the relics of Saint Nicolas from his burial place Myra (today Turkey); to Bari; on 9th of May; 1087. Immediately; the building of a basilica was started; organized by Benedictine abbot Elias (Italian: Elia); who later on became first archbishop of Bari. A first church; today the crypt of the Basilica di San Nicola; was finished in 1089. The consecration of the crypt took place in the same year in presence of Pope Urban II. Works continued; until 1106; and further on. The official consecration of the newly built Romanesque style Basilica happened; in 1197; in presence of the Imperial Vicar Bishop Conrad of Hildesheim; and further nobles; bishops; and church authorities. The crpyt until today gives shelter to the remains of Saint Nicolas. Religious services are held in catholic and byzantine rite; as Saint Nicolas is also national Saint; in Russia. His annual festive days are the 9th of May (Russian Orthodox church: 22nd of May); called the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicolas from Myra to Bari; and the 6th of December; day of the death of the Saint; which in Russian Orthodox church is the 19th of December.

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