6124994 Exalted Gathering in the Green Woods, c.1620 (ink & colour on paper) by Qichang, Dong (1555-1636); 26x92.7 cm; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN, USA; (add.info.: This rare portrait of a literary gathering depicts Dong Qichang (1555-1636), one of the most important personalities in the history of Chinese art, at the far right. Next to him stands his close friend Chen Jiru (1558-1639). To the left of Chen, the scholars Wang Chideng (1535-1612), Zhang Fengyi (1550-1636), and Zhao Huangkuang(1559-1625) are shown playing the qin. The monk Yan Tianchi (17th century) and Chuhong (1535-1615) appear to the left of them. These historic figures epitomize the literati ideal and defined Ming literati tastes through their activities. They were all trained in Confucian classics, some served the state as scholar officials, and all played the reclusive role of retired gentlemen. Sensitive to literati pictorial taste, the painter used muted colors and exhibited a variety of brush strokes and a na簿ve sense of space. The title colophon, composed of five beautifully balanced characters, is signed by Dong himself. There are seven attached colophons ranging in date from 1762 to the early twentieth century.); Photo: by Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN, USA; Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton.

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