6166399 Wooden and gilded pastiglia reliquary box (mixed media) by French School, (13th century); Diocesan Museum, Duomo Monreale, Sicily, Italy; (add.info.: It contained part of the mortal remains of St. Louis IX, and it was kept inside the marble sarcophagus dedicated to the King of France for centuries and located in the right nave of the Cathedral of Monreale. The box, originally perhaps a wedding box or a wedding gift, was probably made by French workers of the thirteenth century. The work is decorated with female figures, plant elements and eagles, while the corners are marked by metal sections in gilded, embossed and chiseled copper, decorated with repeated geometric motifs. Duomo di Monreale, Museo Diocesano: cofanetto reliquiario in legno e pastiglia dorata. Gi? contenente parte delle spoglie mortali di San Luigi IX, fu per secoli custodito all???nterno del sarcofago in marmo dedicato al re di Francia e ubicato nella navata destra della Cattedrale di Monreale. Il cofanetto, in origine forse cofanetto nuziale o dono di nozze, fu verosimilmente realizzato da maestranze francesi del XIII secolo. L???pera e decorata da figure muliebri, elementi vegetali e aquile, mentre gli angoli sono marcati da sezioni metalliche in rame dorato, sbalzato e cesellato, ornate da motivi geometrici ripetuti); Ghigo Roli.

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