6125006 Plum, Narcissus and Rock, 1679 (ink on paper) by Wang Wu (1632-90); 112.9x44.9 cm; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN, USA; (add.info.: Wang Wu was a member of an important Ming dynasty literati family and was also a noted connoisseur and poet. This painting of plum, narcissus, and rock makes use of standard literati subject matter-the plants and rock symbolizing the harmony of nature and the tenacious character of the scholar-official. Mounted on either side of the painting are seven poetic colophons dated July 10 and 11, 1775, evidently written as a poem competition upon viewing the painting. The authors were all scholar-official members of the court. In fact, three inscriptions are by sons of the Qianlong Emperor, Prince Yongxuan (1746-1832), Prince Yongxing (1752-1863), and Prince Yongji (1752-76). Wang Wu\'s poem reads: When can I be free from these ties to worldly affairs\' The bright window responds with a long time of silence. Outside, the homeward birds catch the glow of sunset, Feeling chilly, flowers hide behind the rock. Man\'s drifting life is just like a dream, So don\'t try to recollect past glories. However, I am still interested in going on an excursion, And I will prepare my shoes while waiting for the return of spring. Wang Wu painted this scroll playfully in the 12th moon of the year of wuwu (1678).); Photo: by Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN, USA; Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton.

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