6124985 Mists Rising from Pine Grove in a Ravine, from an album of 12 leaves, 1723 (ink & colour on paper) by Jin Yongxi (fl.1695-1723); 58.6x36.7 cm; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN, USA; (add.info.: Jin Yongxi, a literati painter from Suzhou, was a pupil of the orthodox master Wang Yuanqi (1642-1715). Each leaf of this exceptionally large album is inspired by a past master of the Song (960-1279) or Yuan (1280-1368) literati tradition. Jin has inscribed the name of the artist that inspired each of his compositions. Although Jin\'s paintings vary considerably from their sources, they do capture the essential style associated with the famous painters he emulates. While working in Beijing, Jin apparently had access to the imperial collection which accounts for his broad and accurate knowledge of historical styles of painting. The Qinglai pavilion in which the artist painted this album likely belonged go the literatus, Gao Shiqi (1645-1703), a high official and secretary to the emperor. A major collector, Gao may in fact have commissioned the album.); Photo: by Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN, USA; Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton.

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