5974502 The Last Judgment by Palestinian School (18th century); 265x138.5 cm; Private Collection; (add.info.: In the centre of the composition a medallion displaying the Preparation of the Throne, flanked by Adam and Eve, further up four angels with trumpets announce the Second Coming of Christ, the latter enthroned, blessing and displaying the stigmata on his hands, descending in a glory, flanked by his Mother and John, on the four celestial corners the apocalyptic personifications of the evangelists holding closed Gospels, on the top row two angels unrolling the starry heavens including the sun and the moon, angels and cherubs complete the first row, in addition at the far left an image of the Mandylion, the next register displaying the apostles seated under a colonnade, Solomon and Jeremiah at the extremities, the rest of the composition divided into two sections, the separating point being the scales under the medallion of the Throne, at the left the Just people in Paradise, St. Peter prominently holding the keys and leading the procession, at the right the sinners in Hell, the latter personified by the large serpent swallowing the scoundrels arriving in its mouth through the river of fire, behind the beasts of the Earth and those of the Sea also ingesting the wrong-doers, the inscriptions identifying the represented figures and events, a longer text at the left being the dedication of the patron, the eventful and colourful composition graphically rendered with saturated colours and gold.); Photo by Christie\'s Images.

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