5925113 Major-General Alfred Richards CB, Colonel Commandant 31st Bengal Native Infantry, 1841 (oil on canvas) by Clack, Richard Augustus (1801-80); National Army Museum, London; (add.info.: Major-General Alfred Richards CB, Colonel Commandant 31st Bengal Native Infantry, 1841. Oil on canvas by Richard Augustus Clack (fl.1827-1875). Roberts (1781-1852), shown here in civilian dress, was appointed cadet in June 1796 and sailed for India in August that year. He was appointed lieutenant in the 5th Bengal Native Infantry in 1798, transferred to the 19th Native Infantry and then, in November 1803, to the 23rd. Promoted to captain in June 1805, Richards was in command of the 7th Grenadier Battalion in 1815, and promoted to major in September 1816. During the 3rd Mahratta War (1817-1818) he commanded an infantry column at Gadarwara in January 1818. Promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel in 1823, Richards later took part in the Burma War (1824-1825). He was wounded in action near Rangpur in Assam on 29 January 1825. Richards himself dictated the terms of surrender to the native chiefs in Assam and received their submission. For these services he was appointed a Companion of the Bath in December 1826. Richards remained on furlough from 1 February 1826 until his death. He was posted as Lieutenant-Colonel commandant to the 31st Native Infantry in December 1827, becoming colonel of that regiment in June 1829. He was promoted to major-general in June 1838, and made lieutenant-general in November 1851. This painting is one of a pair. The other, depicting the general?s wife Mrs Rhoda Richards, is also in the collection of the National Army Museum.); by National Army Museum .

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