5924093 Black pawn, chess piece, India, 1820 circa (ivory) by Indian School, (19th century); National Army Museum, London; (add.info.: Black pawn, chess piece, India, 1820 circa. Carved ivory, made by an Indian artist, probably in Berhampur, from a chess set representing the Bengal Army and an Indian ruler\'s forces, 1820 circa. This chess piece takes the form of a native spearman with a spear in his raised right hand; the spearman wears a turban and kirta. Known as ?John Company? sets, finely-crafted chess sets of East India Company soldiers and Indian troops were popular with the British. Most pieces are carved from single sections of ivory. This set was probably made in Berhampur, which was established as a centre of ivory carving during the 1700s. It was ideally situated for the European market because travellers and traders passed through on their way to and from Calcutta (Kolkata) and central and southern India. It was also a garrison town, so would have had a regularly-changing population of British officers. Exquisite chess sets like this continued to be made into the twentieth century.); by National Army Museum .

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