5922383 The Dil Khoosha Palace, 1858 circa (litho) by Dodgson, David Scott Lieutenant-Colonel (fl. 1857) (after); National Army Museum, London; (add.info.: ?The Dil Khoosha Palace?, 1858 circa. Lithograph from ?General Views and Special Points of Interest of the City of Lucknow?, a series of 27 coloured lithographs by R M Bryson, E Walker, F Jones after Lieutenant-Colonel D S Dodgson, published by Day and Son, 1 September 1860. Dil Koosha was a hunting lodge in Lucknow built by Nawab Sadat Ali Khan. It was used by Sir Colin Campbell as a HQ when reliving the Residency in 1857. During the subsequent evacuation, it served as a staging post for the women and the sick during their journey from the Residency compound, on their way to Cawnpore via the Alambagh. It was also the place where Sir Henry Havelock died of dysentery on 24 November 1857. Sir Colin used the Dil Koosha again in March 1858, when making the final assault on Lucknow.); by National Army Museum .

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