5675690 MS Hunter 229 f.2v April, from the Hunterian Psalter, c.1170 (pen & ink, and tempera on vellum) by English School, (12th century); 29.2x19.1 cm; Glasgow University Library, Scotland; (add.info.: April: in the historiated K are two figures, one with long fair hair and a conical gold crown, holding a white sceptre in his right hand, and dressed in a close fitting sleeved pink robe, holds in his left hand the long, hanging right cuff of the other person in a toque-shaped hat, whose left cuff is thrown over her shoulders. Both have crimson shoes laced with white. The background is blue with a fleur-de-lise pattern in white. On the same page is the sign of Taurus, within the same border, represented by a brown bull with green horns, on blue mountains (?). The background is orange with a white floral pattern. Content: Kalendarivm. Psalterivm. Litania. Preces Qvaedam. Known as Hunterian Psalter, formerly as York Psalter. Beautifully written in one hand; 13 full-page pictures, one full-page illumination, gilt, historiated or illuminated initials begin the first verse of each Psalm); by University of Glasgow Library .

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