5052411 Mrs Kelly\'s house, no. 13 New Bond St, Douglas, Isle of Man, 1932-34 (b/w photo) by Frowde, John James (1868-1946); Manx National Heritage (Isle of Man); (add.info.: On the back of this photograph John James Frowde writes, "Owing to the demolition, both sides, of N end of Bond Lane, it was possible for the first time, to get a full view of Mrs Kelly\'s house no 13 New Bond St. On the L side will be noticed the beaten footway of the narrow alleyway between nos 11 & 13 into Almshouse Lane. The W end of the old Grammar School also comes into view from a new angle, and the T E Brown tablet can be noted on the W gable. I took a photo of the tablet on a dull winter day, it was to be taken down the day after. This I have in my demolition pictures. I suppose it lies in the Town Hall cellar now; and where it can be placed later on is a problem. A fine (but puzzling inscription to visitors, many of whom I have helped to decipher it) was from a design by my old friend Archie Knox. \'Here T E Brown was born 5.V.\'30\'."); by Manx National Heritage .

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