ELD4965044 Feodal regime: ???ho made you king? ??????: Audebert (Adalbert), Count of Perigord (968-995), insolently responds to King Hugues Capet (938-996) who asked him who made him count in 987 - At the end of June or beginning of July 987, the proclamation to Noyon de Hugues Capet as king of France marked the end of the Carolingian dynasty and the beginning of the dynasty Capetienne - The vassals of the King of France have then a preponderant place - They were the ones who elected Hugh King of France, even though the last Carolingian king had a descendant. (Audebert, Count of Perigord insolently asks to king Hugh Capet who made him king) Chromolithography of the end of the 19th century Private collection; Private Collection; (add.info.: Feodal regime: ???ho made you king? ??????: Audebert (Adalbert), Count of Perigord (968-995), insolently responds to King Hugues Capet (938-996) who asked him who made him count in 987 - At the end of June or beginning of July 987, the proclamation to Noyon de Hugues Capet as king of France marked the end of the Carolingian dynasty and the beginning of the dynasty Capetienne - The vassals of the King of France have then a preponderant place - They were the ones who elected Hugh King of France, even though the last Carolingian king had a descendant. (Audebert, Count of Perigord insolently asks to king Hugh Capet who made him king) Chromolithography of the end of the 19th century Private collection); Photo by The Holbarn Archive.

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