XEE5030918 The Predictions of St. Peter and St. Paul - Frontispice for the Predichee of Gian Paolo Oliva; In front of a portico, two angelots hold the badge of Alexander VII, and two others a tapestry on which is represented the predication of St. Peter and are inscribed, on the one hand, the title of the book: PREDICHE/Dette nel Palazzo Apostolico da/ GIO PAOLO OLIVA/della Compagnia di GIESU e dedicate ad/ALESSANDRO VII/PONTEFICE MASSIMO, and, on the other hand, passages from the psalms and deeds of the Apotres. The prediction of Saint Paul occupies the bottom of the composition, under the tapestry. Below, on the left: Cyr. Ferrus delin. and right: G. Castellus Fecit. Under the square line, in a table: Non enim sumus adulterantes Verbum Dei, sed ex sincentate, sed sicut ex Deo, coram Deo, in Christo loquimur 2. Cor. 2. 17./In ROMA pud Gio. Casoni/Libraro con privilegij. Rome, Bibl. Casanatense. 1659; (add.info.: The Predictions of St. Peter and St. Paul - Frontispice for the Predichee of Gian Paolo Oliva; In front of a portico, two angelots hold the badge of Alexander VII, and two others a tapestry on which is represented the predication of St. Peter and are inscribed, on the one hand, the title of the book: PREDICHE/Dette nel Palazzo Apostolico da/ GIO PAOLO OLIVA/della Compagnia di GIESU e dedicate ad/ALESSANDRO VII/PONTEFICE MASSIMO, and, on the other hand, passages from the psalms and deeds of the Apotres. The prediction of Saint Paul occupies the bottom of the composition, under the tapestry. Below, on the left: Cyr. Ferrus delin. and right: G. Castellus Fecit. Under the square line, in a table: Non enim sumus adulterantes Verbum Dei, sed ex sincentate, sed sicut ex Deo, coram Deo, in Christo loquimur 2. Cor. 2. 17./In ROMA pud Gio. Casoni/Libraro con privilegij. Rome, Bibl. Casanatense. 1659); Stefano Bianchetti.

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