GIA4792967 War of Independence of the United States: satire of 1774: a tax inspector charged with enforcing the application of the ???tamp Act?? which imposed on settlers the stamp duty, is obliged, after being covered with feathers of the tea drink in reference to the settlers\' reaction to the new tax on the tea and other foodstuff, which led to boycott and the ???oston Tea party?? settlers disguised as Indians enter merchant ships to throw cargoes of the (1773) into the sea, as it is depicted in the background. by Unknown artist, (18th century); Private Collection; ( War of Independence of the United States: satire of 1774: a tax inspector charged with enforcing the application of the ???tamp Act?? which imposed on settlers the stamp duty, is obliged, after being covered with feathers from the drink of the tea in reference to the reaction of the settlers to the new tax on the tea and other foodstuff, which led to boycott and the ??????Boston Tea party?? settlers disguised as Indians enter merchant ships to throw cargoes of the (1773) into the sea, as it is depicted in the background.); by Giancarlo Costa; out of copyright.

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