ELD4872006 The witchcraft of the Duke of Epernon: representation of John Louis of Nogaret of Valletta (1554-1642) at the death of King Henry III assassinated by the monk Jacques Clement in 1589 summoning the devil to ask him what to do, he appears to him predicting his next death with the future king Henry of Navarre, representing with the duke at the bedside of the bed of the murdered king (Representation of favorite of assassinated king Henri III Jean Louis de Nogaret de Valletta duke of Epernon invoking devil who tells him his imminent death on the scaffold with Henri IV, represented on the right standing by the bed of dead Henri III, Jacques Clement lying on the ground) Engraving from ???useum-Criminal??by Henri Varennes and Edgar Troimaux, late 19th century Private Collection; Private Collection; (add.info.: The witchcraft of the Duke of Epernon: representation of John Louis of Nogaret of Valletta (1554-1642) at the death of King Henry III assassinated by the monk Jacques Clement in 1589 summoning the devil to ask him what to do, he appears to him predicting his next death with the future king Henry of Navarre, representing with the duke at the bedside of the bed of the murdered king (Representation of favorite of assassinated king Henri III Jean Louis de Nogaret de Valletta duke of Epernon invoking devil who tells him his imminent death on the scaffold with Henri IV, represented on the right standing by the bed of dead Henri III, Jacques Clement lying on the ground) Engraving from ???useum-Criminal??by Henri Varennes and Edgar Troimaux, late 19th century Private Collection); Photo by The Holbarn Archive.

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