GIA4779901 Homere\'s genie, holding his Iliad and his Odyssee, and led by heroic poesy, is introduced, despite the efforts of the Envy, to the temple of memory, which opens its doors. He is accompanied by the Renommee that flies before him, and Time, which will place the medals of this illustrious poet at the frontispiece of this temple. Allegorie illustrating the Iliad of Homere, French edition, 1751. by Unknown artist, (18th century); Private Collection; ( Homere\'s genie, holding his Iliad and his Odyssee, and led by heroic poesy, is introduced, despite the efforts of the Envy, to the temple of memory, which opens its doors. He is accompanied by the Renommee that flies before him, and Time, which will place the medals of this illustrious poet at the frontispiece of this temple. Allegorie illustrating the Iliad of Homere, French edition, 1751.); by Giancarlo Costa; out of copyright.

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