LRI4694818 With the promulgation of the Civil Code or Code of Napoleon Bonaparte (1765-1821) on 21/03/1804 regulating the laws between private persons, the women on the right probably symbolize the law governing the status of the mother within the family, inferior to that of the husband. The red characters on the left perhaps symbolize the laik predominance of the code. on the religious aspect. Painting by Felice Guascone (19th century) Genes, Museo del Risorgimento byLuisa Ricciarini/Leemage by Guascone, Felice (d.1830); Museo del Risorgimento e Istituto Mazziniano, Genoa, Italy; ( With the promulgation of the Civil Code or Code of Napoleon Bonaparte (1765-1821) on 21/03/1804 regulating the laws between private persons, the women on the right probably symbolize the law governing the status of the mother within the family, inferior to that of the husband. The red characters on the left perhaps symbolize the laik predominance of the code. on the religious aspect. Painting by Felice Guascone (19th century) Genes, Museo del Risorgimento byLuisa Ricciarini/Leemage); Luisa Ricciarini.

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