LRI4703937 The Battle of Lepanto off the coast of Greece, in 1571: detail ofthe departure of christian fleet from messina, Sicily - Tapestry, 1591 by Cambiaso, Luca (1527-85) & Calvi, Lazzaro (1502-1587 or 1607); Palazzo di Andrea Doria (Villa del Principe), Genoa, Liguria, Italy; ( Representation of the Battle of Lepanto The Battle of Lepante off the coast of Greece opposed a Spanish, Venetian alliance and the forces of the Pope to the Ottomans in 1571: detail depicting the departure of Messina (Sicily) of the Christian fleets - Tapestry of the Brussels Manufacture after the cartons of Lazzaro Calvi (1512-1603) and Luca Cambiaso (1527- 1585) 1591 (??????Representation of the Battle of Lepanto off the coast of Greece opposing an alliance between Spanish, Venetian and Papal armies to ottoman fleet in 1571?????? detail representing the departure of christian fleet from messina, Sicily - Tapestry by Brussels tapestry manufacture after cartons by Lazzaro Calvi and Luca Cambiaso) Genes, Prince\'s Palace ( Palazzo del Principe) Italy); Luisa Ricciarini.

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