LRI4719082 Coat of arms of the Republic of Genes and portraits of the Doges. Silvestro Invrea, Gerolamo Assereto, Agostino Pinello Luciani, Alessandro Giustiniani Longo, Tomaso Spinola, Clavarezza Bernardo, Giovanni Giacomo Imperiale (Tartaro), Pietro Durazzo, Ambrogio Doria, Giorgio Centurione, Federico De Franchi, Giacomo Lomo Lomo Giovanni Luca Chiavari, Andrea Spinola, Leonardo Della Torre.- Painting of the Genoa school of the 17th and 18th century. Dim. 74 x 10 cm genes, private collection byLuisa Ricciarini/Leemage by Northern Italian School, (17th century); Private Collection; ( Coat of arms of the Republic of Genes and portraits of the Doges. Silvestro Invrea, Gerolamo Assereto, Agostino Pinello Luciani, Alessandro Giustiniani Longo, Tomaso Spinola, Clavarezza Bernardo, Giovanni Giacomo Imperiale (Tartaro), Pietro Durazzo, Ambrogio Doria, Giorgio Centurione, Federico De Franchi, Giacomo Lomo Lomo Giovanni Luca Chiavari, Andrea Spinola, Leonardo Della Torre.- Painting of the Genoa school of the 17th and 18th century. Dim. 74 x 10 cm genes, private collection byLuisa Ricciarini/Leemage); Luisa Ricciarini.

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