LSE4328221 A cloaca behind the chapel of San Crispino, (in the trastevere in Rome), a small irregular and tortuous square, bordered by masures dug in ancient walls and clinging to the bedside of the chapel, in a sinister state of delabrement. Engraving to illustrate the voyage to Rome, by Francis Wey, in 1864-1868, published in ???e tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages?? under the direction of Edouard Charton, 1868, Paris. Selva Collection. by Unknown Artist, (19th century); Private Collection; ( A cloaca behind the chapel of San Crispino, (in the trastevere in Rome), a small irregular and tortuous square, bordered by masures dug in ancient walls and clinging to the bedside of the chapel, in a sinister state of delabrement. Engraving to illustrate the voyage to Rome, by Francis Wey, in 1864-1868, published in ???e tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages?? under the direction of Edouard Charton, 1868, Paris. Selva Collection.); Photo by Leonard de Selva.

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