LSE4324291 The bridge Allah Verdi Kahn, erige around 1608, in Isfahan (or Isfahan) (Iran), is both a crossing point to cross the river Zend e Roud, but also a dam to regulate the course of the river, with a Talar, or kiosk of mirrors, where the Persian ruler could observe the river. Drawing by Jules Laurens (1825-1901), to illustrate Arthur Gobineau\'s journey to Persia from 1855 to 1858. Engraving in ??????Le tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages??????Paris, 1860. Selva\'s collection. by Laurens, Jules Joseph Augustin (1825-1901); Private Collection; ( The bridge Allah Verdi Kahn, erige around 1608, in Isfahan (or Isfahan) (Iran), is both a crossing point to cross the river Zend e Roud, but also a dam to regulate the course of the river, with a Talar, or kiosk of mirrors, where the Persian ruler could observe the river. Drawing by Jules Laurens (1825-1901), to illustrate Arthur Gobineau\'s journey to Persia from 1855 to 1858. Engraving in ??????Le tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages??????Paris, 1860. Selva\'s collection.); Photo by Leonard de Selva.

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